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The perfect automation application for your daily life tasks

AutoHotkey |
updated on January 26, 2025
2.9mb | gnu


Use any set of combination of keystrokes or mouse clicks to automate anything
Free and open-source
Change volume, open up abbreviations, and do so much more with hotkey shortcuts


Might be a little hard to get started for beginner users
Price: $
If you are looking for a tool to automate your tasks using a shortcut such as keystrokes or mouse clicks, then you are in luck today. AutoHotKey is an automation tool that can automate almost anything by using scripts that any user can write and can execute these scripts based on a shortcut of the user’s choice such as a key, button, or a combination that can become a hotkey to execute.

Incredible productivity

Well, if you are interested in automating your tasks, then after the initial few scripts, you will have a fantastic time increasing your productivity using AutoHotKey. With this application, you can create simple as well as difficult scripts and execute them using hotkeys which can be keystrokes, mouse clicks, or a combination of both.

One of the most useful examples is that you can create a hotkey for your abbreviation. For example, let's say you want to use TBH which is an abbreviation for, To be Honest. You can create a script that will expand every TBH that you write into, to be honest. It can increase productivity, save time, and provide you with the pleasure of succeeding.

Useful data-filing

One of the most used tasks daily for an average Internet user is filling out data forms. Now, these can be job application forms, payment information for any online shopping, providing feedback, or any other such data forms. What you can do with AutoHotKey is to create automation scripts for such data forms so they can be filled automatically, such as payment information.

Completely free and open-source

Now the great part about AutoHotKey is that it is an entirely free and open-source application. At any point of the usage, you can check the code and how it is working at the backend if you are a technical person who wants to ensure integrity or security, or if you are simply curious about it. You do not have to pay a single penny for that either.

Almost limitless

Now, AutoHotKey is an automation application with almost no limits. If you wish, you can automate pretty much any task that you would like to, ranging from opening a browser, opening up abbreviations, filling up credit or debit card information, or anything else. Most users will have a lot of fun using this tool.


AutoHotKey is an incredible automation application that can be used in daily life to automate basic tasks as well as complex tasks. It is free and open-source which makes it highly appealing. The only downside might be that it may be a little intimidating to novice users, but that is relatively easy to get through.
Reviewed by (editor rating 5 out of 5 starsEditor's pick Sooftware editor's pick

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